Meditation, confession, introspection; these are all pointless with without the wisdom of non-duality. 2023

Meditation, confession, introspection; these are all pointless with without the wisdom of non-duality.

by Yongsu

Become aware of thought 1 2

Meditation, confession, introspection; these are all pointless with without the wisdom of non-duality.

You cannot change the ego you can only recognize its falsity. There’s no self to be purified. Don’t try to make samsara better. There is no samsara. This is what must be realized.

Trying is so futile. Not trying, this is the way.

Simply don’t attach to thoughts. Then we separate ourselves from the ego; little by little, then finally freedom.

Become aware of thoughts. Less aware of thoughts, means more delusion. More aware of thoughts, means more wisdom.

Meditation, confession, introspection, non-duality, ego, samsara, awareness, change, effort, effortlessness, thought-adherence, freedom, thought-perception, illusion, wisdom

by 용수스님

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Become aware of thought 1 4